Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Type

    2. What is Personality?

    3. Significance of Carl Jung's Theory

    4. Type and Traits

    5. Why it is important to develop personality?

    6. How to develop personality?

    7. Introduction to Type (English)

    8. Introduction To Type (Urdu)

    1. Step Model Overview By Dr. Qamar

    2. 5 Step Model PPTx

    3. 5 Step Model in (English)

    4. 5 Step Model (Urdu)

    1. Discover your Preference

    1. 1st Dichotomy (Extroversion/Introversion))

    2. Extroversion

    3. Introversion

    4. Introvert vs Extrovert - Habits of Successful People _ By Dr. Qamar ul Hassan

    1. 2nd Dichotomy (Sensing/Intuition)

    2. Sensing

    3. Intuition

    1. 3rd Dichotomy (Thinking/Feeling)

    2. Thinking

    3. Feeling

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 116 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Text & media

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