Know Your Partner 💕

This course is designed to help you understand your partner's personality type, fostering deeper empathy and communication. By learning the basics of personality traits, you’ll gain tools to strengthen your relationship, handle differences with ease, and create a more harmonious, connected partnership. Perfect for couples looking to enhance their bond through self-awareness and mutual understanding.
Meet your Coach/Trainer
Discover your partner’s personality type to enhance communication, build empathy, and create a stronger, more meaningful relationship.
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: What is Personality?
Lesson 3: Significance of Carl Jung's Type Theory
Lesson 4: Type and Traits
Lesson 5: Why it is important to develop personality?
Lesson 6: How to develop personality?
Lesson 7: Introduction To Type (Urdu)
Lesson 8: Introduction to Type (English)
Video 1: Importance Of Know Your Personality Type by Dr. Qamar ul hassan
Video 2: How to Start the Journey of Self Discovery? by Dr. Qamar ul Hassan
Video 3: 16 Personality Types - Find Your Personality MBTI Session By Qamar ul Hassan
video 1: How To Know Yourself? MBTI Personality Types - QAS Podcast with Dr. Qamar ul Hassan
Lesson 1: MBTI to 5 Step Model
Lesson 2: 5 Step Model Overview By Dr. Qamar
Lesson 3: 5 Step Model PPTx
Lesson 1: 5 Step Model in Urdu
Lesson 1: 5 Step Model in English
Lesson 1: STEP 1: Discover your Preference
Facets of Type
Lesson 1: 1st Dichotomy (Entroversion/Introversion))
Lesson 2: Extroversion
Lesson 3: How to develop Extroverting Preference?
Lesson 4: Introversion
Lesson 5: How to develop Introverting Preference?
Video 1: Introvert vs Extrovert - Habits of Successful People _ By Dr. Qamar ul Hassan
Lesson 6: Function: Extroverted feeling (The Guide)
Lesson 7: Extroverted Feeling The Guide
Lesson 8: Function: Extroverted Intuiting (The brainstormer)
Lesson 9: Extroverted Intuiting The Brainstormer
Lesson 10: Function: Extraverted sensing the scout
Lesson 11: Extraverted Sensing The Scout
Lesson 12: Function: Extroverted Thinking (The administrator)
Lesson 13: Extroverted Thinking The Administrator
Lesson 14: Function: Introverted Intuiting (The Seer)
Lesson 15: Introverted Intuiting The Seer
Lesson 16: Function: Introverted Feeling (The Conscience)
Lesson 17: Introverted Feeling The Conscience
Lesson 18: Function: Introverted sensing (The conservator)
Lesson 19: Introverted Sensing The Conservator
Lesson 20: Function: introverted thinking (The Analyzer)
Lesson 21: Introverted Thinking The Analyzer
Lesson 1: 2nd Dichotomy (Sensing/Intuition)
Lesson 2: Sensing
Lesson 3: How to develop sensing preference?
Lesson 4: Intuition
Lesson 5: How to develop intuiting preference?
Lesson 1: 3rd Dichotomy (Thinking/Feeling)
Lesson 2: Thinking
Lesson 3: How to develop Thinking Preference?
Lesson 4: Feeling
Lesson 5: How to develop Feeling Preference?
Lesson 1: 4th Dichotomy (Judging/Perceiving)
Lesson 2: Judging
Lesson 3: How to develop judging preference?
Lesson 4: Perceiving
Lesson 5: How to develop perceiving preference?
Video 1 : Personality Types - Find Your Personality MBTI Session By Qamar ul Hassan
The ENFJ Personality Type Secrets with Qamar Ul Hassan
"ENFJ" - Personality Type
ENFJ E-Booklet
ENFJ Pocket Guide
ENFJ Understand
"ENFP" - Personality Type
ENFP Personality Type Strengths & Weaknesses _ Dr. Qamar Ul Hassan
ENFP E-Booklet
ENFP Pocket Guide
ENFP Understand
"ENTJ" - Personality Type
ENTJ E-Booklet
ENTJ Pocket Guide
ENTJ Understand
"ENTP" - Personality Type
ENTP E-Booklet
ENTP Pocket Guide
ENTP Understand
"ESFJ" - Personality Type
Why ESFJ Personality Type are very caring people? by Dr. Qamar
ESFJ E-Booklet
ESFJ Pocket Guide
ESFJ Understand
"ESFP" - Personality Type
ESFP E-Booklet
ESFP Pocket Guide
ESFP Understand
"ESTJ" - Personality Type
ESTJ E-Booklet
ESTJ Pocket Guide
ESTJ Understand
"ESTP" - Personality Type
ESTP E-Booklet
ESTP Pocket Guide
ESTP Understand
"INFJ" - Personality Type
INFJ E-Booklet
INFJ Pocket Guide
INFJ Understand
"INFP" - Personality Type
INFP E-Booklet
INFP Pocket Guide
INFP Understand
"INTJ" - Personality Type
INTJ Personality Type Strengths & Weaknesses | Dr. Qamar Ul Hassan
INTJ E-Booklet
INTJ Pocket Guide
INTJ Understand
"INTP" - Personality Type
INTP E-Booklet
INTP Pocket Guide
INTP Understand
"ISFJ" - Personality Type
ISFJ - Personality Type of Abdul Sattar Eidhi MBTI Dr Qamar-ul-hassan
ISFJ E-Booklet
ISFJ Pocket Guide
of ISFJ Understand
"ISFP" - Personality Type
ISFP E-Booklet
ISFP Pocket Guide
ISFP Understand
"ISTP" - Personality Type
ISFP E-Booklet
ISFP Pocket Guide
ISFP Understand
"ISTJ" - Personality Type
ISTJ E-Booklet
ISTJ Pocket Guide
ISTJ Understand
How to Select Your Life Partner?
Empowering the society through happy marriage
Husband And Wife Fighting Problems And Solutions
How to Strengthen The Husband And Wife Relationship?
Secrets of Happy Marriage - Do's & Don'ts in Relationships _ QAS Podcast with Dr. Qamar ul Hassan
ENFJ as a Partner
ENFP as a Partner
ENTJ as a Partner
ENTP as a Partner
ESFJ as a Partner
ESFP as a Partner
ESTJ as a Partner
ESTP as a Partner
INFJ as a Partner
INFP as a Partner
INTJ as a Partner
INTP as a Partner
ISFJ as a Partner
ISFP as a Partner
ISTJ as a Partner
ISTP as a Partner
Compatibility of ISTJ - ISFJ
Compatibility of ISFP - INTP
Compatibility of ISTJ - INTJ
Compatibility of ISTJ - INFJ
Compatibility of ISTJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ISTJ - ESFJ
Compatibility of ISTJ - ENTP
Compatibility of ISTJ - ENTJ
Compatibility of ISTJ - ENFJ
Compatibility of ISTJ - ISTP
Compatibility of ISFP - ISFP
Compatibility of ISFP - INTJ
Compatibility of ISFP - INFP
Compatibility of ISFP - INFJ
Compatibility of ISFP - ENTP
Compatibility of ISFP - ENTJ
Compatibility of ISFP - ENFP
Compatibility of ISFP - ENFJ
Compatibility of ISFJ - ISTP
Compatibility of ISFJ - ISFP
Compatibility of ISFJ - ISFJ
Compatibility of ISFJ - INTP
Compatibility of ISFJ - INTJ
Compatibility of ISFJ - INFP
Compatibility of ISFJ - INFJ
Copy of Compatibility of ISFJ - ESTP
Compatibility of ISFJ - ESFP
Compatibility of ISFJ - ENTJ
Compatibility of ISFJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ISFJ - ENFJ
Compatibility of INTP - INTP
Compatibility of INTP - INFJ
Compatibility of INTP - ENFP
Compatibility of INTP - ENFJ
Compatibility of INTJ - INFP
Compatibility of INTJ - INFJ
Compatibility of INTJ - ENTP
Compatibility of INTJ - ENFP
Compatibility of INTJ - ENFJ
Compatibility of INFJ - INFP
Compatibility of INFJ - INFJ
Compatibility of INFJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ESTP - ISTP
Compatibility of ESTP - ISFP
Compatibility of ESTP - INTP
Compatibility of ESTP - INTJ
Compatibility of ESTP - INFP
Compatibility of ESTP - INFJ
Compatibility of ESTP - ENTJ
Compatibility of ESTP - ESTP
Compatibility of ESTP - ESFP
Compatibility of ESTP - ENFP
Compatibility of ESTP - ENFJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - ISTP
Compatibility of ESTJ - ISTJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - ISFP
Compatibility of ESTJ - ISFJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - INTP
Compatibility of ESTJ - INTJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - INFJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - ESTP
Compatibility of ESTJ - ESTJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - ESFP
Compatibility of ESTJ - ESFJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - ENTP
Compatibility of ESTJ - ENTJ
Compatibility of ESTJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ESTJ - ENFJ
Compatibility of ESFP - ISFP
Compatibility of ESFP - INFP
Compatibility of ESFP - INFJ
Compatibility of ESFP - INTP
Compatibility of ESFP - INTJ
Compatibility of ESFP - ESFP
Copy of Compatibility of ESFP - ENTP
Compatibility of ESFP - ENTJ
Compatibility of ESFP - ENFP
Compatibility of ESFP - ENTJ
Compatibility of ESFP - ENFP
Compatibility of ESFP - ENFJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - ISTP
Compatibility of ESFJ - ISTP
Compatibility of ESFJ - INTJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - ISFP
Compatibility of ESFJ - ISFJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - INTP
Compatibility of ESFJ - INTJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - INFP
Compatibility of ESFJ - INFJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - ESFP
Compatibility of ESFJ - ESFJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - ENTP
Compatibility of ESFJ - ENTJ
Compatibility of ESFJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ESFJ - ENFJ
Compatibility of ENTP - INTP
Compatibility of ENTP - INFP
Compatibility of ENTP - INFJ
Compatibility of ENTP - ENTP
Compatibility of ENTP - ENFP
Compatibility of ENTP - ENFJ
Compatibility of ENTJ - INTP
Compatibility of ENTJ - INFP
Compatibility of ENTJ - INFJ
Compatibility of ENTJ - ENTP
Compatibility of ENTJ - ENTJ
Compatibility of ENTJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ENTJ - ENFJ
Compatibility of ENFP - INFP
Compatibility of ENFP - ENFP
Compatibility of ENFJ - INFP
Compatibility of ENFJ - ENFP
Compatibility of ENFJ - ENFJ
Book 1: Just your Type
Book 2: Intimacy & Type